Frequently Asked Questions

Can you help me find a roommate?
We do not provide a roommate matching service.

What happens if my roommate does not pay their rent?
If you are on individual leases, you are not responsible for their rent.

May I have visitors?
Certainly, but you are responsible for their behavior. Overnight guests are welcome as long as all roommates agree and the guest is not living there regularly and parks in a properly designated spot.

I am on financial aid, do you defer payment until I receive my aid?
I am sorry but we do not.

Do you close for the Summer or during Holiday breaks?
We are open 12 months a year.

Are pets allowed?
Each Property Varies. Must check with Owner. Pet Fee’s may apply

Can I pay my rent with a credit card?
We accept Visa, Master card and Discover for the payment of the Security Deposit, Lease Contract Processing Fee and Rental payments. We offer credit card payments through (see “pay online” located on our site. This credit card service will process your payment for an additional fee per transaction.

The move-in date, can I move in early?
We will not be able to accommodate early arrivals and you will need to find alternate accommodations if you plan to arrive before the move-in date designated on the Lease Contract.

Does Dean Properties have any other properties in the Tallahassee area?
Yes. Please visit our website at 

My roommate and I are different people and we do not really like each other. Can I be released from my lease?
Attending college and deciding to live in a student community often means living with a roommate. Roommates may have diverse experiences and may come from different cultures. Our management staff is trained at helping roommates work through concerns to negotiate resolutions to problems. We will try to relocate you to a different apartment/loft if one is available and you have truly tried to work out your differences with your current roommate. Unfortunately, space is not always available to offer relocation. You cannot be released from your contract with us for not liking your roommate.


2709 Killarney Way  •  Suite 6  •  Tallahassee, Florida 32309  •  (850) 528-6149  •  Hannah Small Join Us on Facebook     Follow us on Twitter!

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